sluggish, sore throat, tired, achy- like i'm coming down with something
so i'm holed up in my apartment drinking tea, watching movies, and now finally trying to get some work done online.
ideally i'd be sitting in my sunsoaked living room in california
staring out at the beach, salty breeze ruffling my hair
and that california scent filtering through my body
with each
i can't afford to be sick right now
there's too much going on
i'm giving myself today to rest,
then i'm sucking it up and soldiering through.
i spent the past weekend in bangkok, my OTHER city of angels
got lots of good quality time in with my mom
caught up with old friends
even did a little shopping
went to a few temples to give alms
and ask for blessings
(you must know that being thai means being buddhist in a sense... its so deeply ingrained in the culture that there's no way around it... it simply becomes a part of who you are and how you live your life)
i got to see my aunty and cousin who i havent seen in over a year....
caught up with my manager
it's been a very good weekend...
i meant to say more- so many inspiring things came to mind as i walked the streets of bangkok (contrary to most people and to their great surprise i DO walk a lot in bangkok)
but i can't seem to find the words right now
all i can think about right now is a moment last thursday when i was sitting here in my living room, reading, when i noticed something floating outside my window in the sunshine...
there were glossy little bubbles floating down from the sky above just passing my window as if to say "hello"
i say enthralled for some time before realizing i should find the source and send a smile up to meet them... but lo&behold! no one in sight! there was no one above or around or ANYWHERE!? just me and my little mystery bubbles
SUCH a beautiful moment in life.
which reminds me of a habit not many people know i have...
i carry a big 99cent store bottle of bubbles in my car for those dreadful moments when i'm stuck in traffic (which is often since i live off the 405).... i like to blow bubbles out my window... you get all kinds of wonderful reactions from the people in nearby cars
and they make me happy
i'm a pretty simple-things kinda girl...
the smallest things can put the biggest smile on my face
(guess that comes with growing up alone with my imagination)
so right now
as i pour another cup of tea
i'm going to watch
the neverending story
and pick out a new book to read tonight
(i read God's Fool, Starbook, & Kafka on the Shore... all good reads in completely different styles/ manners/ etc., that i definitely recommend
anyway, i'm going to lay down a bit and try to pound some emails out
i hope this entry reminds you of the little things in life that make you happy (:
lovelove xx