Wednesday, August 20, 2008


* some of you may have already read this....

sometimes i have trouble
deciding between who i am
and who i want to be 
i get caught up in the rush
of being true to the moment
i lose sight of the consequences
of my actions and my inactions
i forget to look to my past
to avoid future repeats in mistakes
and some days i find myself looking around
wondering how i ended up here 

they say today is a gift
and some days i'm so busy tearing off the wrapping of the present that i forget to admire how beautifully it was wrapped
(and some days i wish it came with a receipt so i could trade it in for something better)

even as i write this seemingly endless ramble
there are places i should be
other people i should be writing to
but i've decided recently
that if you can't say what you mean then you shouldnt say anything at all

and i've been speecheless

flawlessly flawed.

forgive me for those indiscretions
both past and present
and let me admit to all those in the future

i'd like to say i wont ever make the same mistakes again
but i'm as stubborn as a liar
and almost as creative so time tells me
i'll end up here again

i suppose all i could say is 
i'm sory
but i hate to say sorry
because sorry never says enough
and this silence may be saying it all
but i know you can't hear me through your own thoughts

so i'll go back to being speechless
until i can say what i mean
figure out who i want to be
and how i want to redeem the day
wrap up my apology and give you the present.

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