Wednesday, August 20, 2008

hello stranger...

Whenever i think of that greeting, "Hello Stranger," i immediately picture Natalie Portman in CLOSER... when she's crossing the street in that bright pink wig and she meets Jude Law's character for the first time...? Such a beautifully odd moment when she's hit by the cab and he comes to her rescue... "Hello Stranger," she says it with such a big sense of familiarity... as if she knows him, maybe even loves him, and she expected to see him hovering above her in such a situation.

Well... if i were hit by a cab, i wouldnt mind waking up to Jude Law's face... i'd probably forget my name, but at least i'd know his right?


So... "Hello, Stranger."

I've chosen to start this blog with that particular line because maybe... i've been hit by a metaphorical cab and here you are staring into my starry eyed soul as i come to... and maybe... i'm falling in love with you, MAYBE i should be expecting you (yes, YOU) to be here, reading this, reading ME.

This is the... 4th? 5th? 8th? blog that i've started... i'm usually really good with blogging... but recently (after the start of blogging on mtvasia's website, i've decided that i dont like that site's layout and consequentially have stopped blogging for them- you gotta do what feels right, right?) SO this is where i will be doing most of my blogging from now on... honestly (and you can expect me to always be honest) i'd rather blog somewhere where my audience is seemingly invisible/ faceless/ less obvious... but dont get my wrong, i would still love to hear back from you, Stranger.

Be mean. Be kind. Above all else, BE HONEST. Dont leave your real name if you dont want to, or own up to your thoughts and DO. I'll take you either way. And in turn i hope you'll respect this little place on the world wide web where i've decided to stake claim and bare my soul.

So here it is... my starry eyed soul, open, exposed, and dipped in a myriad of toppings for you to taste as time allows.

Bon appetit.


Anonymous said...

hey there stranger.
i'm lookin' forward to see more of your blog. ^^ peace.

Anonymous said...

early morning when the sun so high...waiting... for that stranger to walk on by... wit the ciggies smoke in my eyes... wit tat stench aroma like smell of coffee.. on my black polo t.. will she appear .. or will this be another long day for me...
don't you dare make my heart beat so fast.. don't you dare make my heart stop... again.. eventually it will beat like a subway train... it will stop at the sight of you...
take a sip of your ice tall chai tea latte... and leave the hot caramel macchiato to... me ..for me.... to wake up my heart to the flow of caffine.. whenever you're around...
so starry starry eyed soul...i'm a starry starry cold nite...lost in the covers of my blanket... where did you go.. where you at... i don't really know... sooo... i'll see you when i see.. you ....alrite ciaooo... :] MUHD