Monday, August 25, 2008

a lil cheese never hurt.

There was a moment, at the recent MTV Asia Awards after-party when i was deeply engaged in a shallow conversation with several people (whose names would be all too familiar, so let's just avoid mentioning names altogether) and the topic at hand revolved around teasing me. The topic was: "Why DOES taya smile so much?"
I couldnt help but laugh at my expectant audience and their amused looks, i'm sure they were all waiting for some fantastic life changing answer, but the truth is so much simpler.  I smile so much because i'm so happy. And i'm SO extremely happy because... well, why wouldnt i be? I have amazing parents, friends who i love and who keep me loved all over the world, i get paid to do what i love, i'm learning new things everyday, meeting all kinds of new people, i'm even meeting strangers who encourage me and inspire me to continue to fight for my dreams.  
People tend to think happiness is so complicated... as if it's hard to find, hard to keep, hard to understand.. WHY is it even surprising that i smile so much? HOW is that even possibly mind boggling? worth wondering about? worth asking? how silly. 
It's cheesy, i know. But hey, i'm a little cheesy and i DO love cheese (a lil cheese never hurt anything) The people in my life, more than anything else, make me smile. They make me smile til it hurts, laugh til i cry, they make up for all the awful things i've seen and heard... we all need a strong support to lean on when things get rough- and EVERYONE has rough days.

Remember, always be extra nice to the people you know or meet, EVERYONE is going through something and you never know when it may be hitting them the hardest.

Happiness is as simple as a smile. Did you know scientists did studies once and discovered that simply by forcing your face to smile (even when you dont feel like it) you can BECOME happy? How could it possibly get any easier?

i'll let you in on a little secret... a secret i dont mind sharing because i recently realized that the best secrets are worth sharing, so here it is:
when i'm having a rough day and dont feel like i have much to smile for, i do a little reminding. i sit down with one of my many notebooks and list out everything and anything - anyone- i love. seriously. candy, foods, people, places, moments, from the smallest things to the biggest things... and you should know that to me, the little things add up to be some of the most important. By the time i'm done writing the list i'm happier and much more willing to smile.
funny how sometimes we just need to be reminded of things huh? sometimes i need to be reminded of how truly lucky i am (this one doesnt happen that often though) and every now and then i need to be reminded of all the love in my life.

all i ever wanted, all i ever needed, all i ever could be. LOVE.


Anonymous said...

Hi Taya,

You are indeed a lucky girl whose life is filled with love and joy no doubt. I can see why it is so easy for you to smile.

But forgive me for being blunt and maybe even a little confrontational! I know you a smart and strong so I know you can take what I have to say next. I don't mean it in a mean way and will try to be gentle as possible.

But honestly, I have never been that impressed that people like you who live very fortunate lives full of love, financial success and admiring hordes of fans who are upbeat and positive. Of course you are upbeat and full of smiles and positivity! I know you have your challenges and pain, but most likely you will never know what it is like to be truely desperate, poor and hungry. I have a feeling that you and the other MTV VJs will always know fortune and plenty. You and you cohorts will never know what it is like to truely suffer and for that you should be grateful. I mean it. All three of you should truely thank whatever god is out there for your lives. So honestly, I am not surprised you are full of smiles.

What would truely impress me are those people in the world, who have nothing ( and there are too many of them) and who can still smile and be happy and love the world. But they are out there. They live in run down shacks, eating mud (yes I read about people eating mud to not feel hungry in Haiti today) and would struggle to find two pennies to rub together. Yet they are still happy and smile. They love the world still. These people are truely beautiful and these people truely amaze me. In fact they make me feel ashamed for being a miserable a**hole at times.

Thanks for the secret though. I hope I am being too much of a miserable jerk. I am glad you smile though taya. Honestly I am.

Alan (I give my name so you know who to be pissed at if you want to be)

My side that you may not know said...

you're right, write everything out makes you happier by the time you're done. I did that too most of the time when I'm really frustrated or yada yada... I could say you're really blessed Taya.
