i found this old journal entry.

thought it was kinda interesting to read back through so i thought i'd post it here. i wrote it back in may 2007 a few days before graduation from loyola marymount university....
They keep telling me that this is a pivotal moment in my life; that this is the beginning of a new chapter... but I feel like I'm beginning a whole new book.
Life is about to become very unstable, fickle, bittersweet, unpredictable, and utterly surreal.... delicious ambiguity.
And in this ethereal moment as I limbo my way through the days, I'm spending a lot of time thinking about choices. Every day we decide between something or another- do I want to wake up early or sleep in, get starbucks or eat breakfast, stay home or go out, say something or let the moment pass... these decisions seem so minute sometimes that I forget they are slowly and discreetly shaping my life.
I've made my fair share of bad choices in the past- I won't call them "wrong choices" because they led me to where I am today... but I have definitely made some stupid decisions, incorrect assumptions, and naive choices.
I don't doubt I have a few more in my future.
But it's all part of the learning process right? We do what we think will make us happy. And I'm not talking about "rob-a-bank, hit-a-stranger, cheat-on-your-significant-other-for-a-night, spend-all-your-money-on-something-stupid" happy...
I'm talking about that deep, true happy where even after you factor in the consequences of your actions, thoughts, and decisions- the happiness is still standing strong.
II- the secret lies in the present- if you pay attention to the present, you will be able to improve it. And if you improve the present, whatever happens afterwards will be better too. Each day brings us Eternity. -II
i'm re-reading The Alchemist. For the 4th time. I'm at that point again in my life where i'm not only questioning EVERYTHING and EVERYONE but i'm running in place listening to EVERYONE ELSE ask me questions that i still can't answer.
How come doing what's right isn't always what FEELS right?
Because of where i am in my life right now, with graduation and the rest of my life ahead of me blah blah blah- i've found myself deep in conversation with various people about decisions- theirs AND mine... the ones i've made, the ones ahead of me, the ones i need to make NOW.
now... do i move to singapore? move back to thailand? stay here? say yes? agree to disagree? try? give up? walk away? burn bridges?
**FYI. i am burning bridges. i've always had a thing for fire. but this time i had help lighting the match. you can thank yourself for that.
then... i could have stayed in thailand- i would be LIVIN IT UP- it would be ridiculous. i would be WORKING. i would be BORED... i could still be stuck in a completely timeconsuminglifedemeaningselfless relationship. thank god i moved.
((where you are is exactly where you are meant to be))
Turning pages...
It's not that I like making things difficult... I don't prefer doing things the hard way, but I'd rather work hard for something than have it handed to me.
There's a lot of hard work up ahead.
and i'm READY for it. ONTHEVERGE.
i wonder who will be around now?
((some people are all talk you know?))
Each person you meet will serve a purpose in your life. It may be as minute as making you smile for 5 seconds as they pass you on the street or as important as making you see something you've been blind to for years.
I don't know what role I play in your life. Nor am I always sure of what role you play in mine... but it has to be comforting to know that no moment in life is ever wasted... right?
**Smile at the person across from you on the subway, tell a stranger a secret, don't burn bridges so quickly... or maybe remember why you built the bridge to begin with.
delicious ambiguity.
II- some stories dont have a clear beginning, middle, and end. life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. delicious ambiuity -II
Life is about to become very unstable, fickle, bittersweet, unpredictable, and utterly surreal.... delicious ambiguity.
And in this ethereal moment as I limbo my way through the days, I'm spending a lot of time thinking about choices. Every day we decide between something or another- do I want to wake up early or sleep in, get starbucks or eat breakfast, stay home or go out, say something or let the moment pass... these decisions seem so minute sometimes that I forget they are slowly and discreetly shaping my life.
I've made my fair share of bad choices in the past- I won't call them "wrong choices" because they led me to where I am today... but I have definitely made some stupid decisions, incorrect assumptions, and naive choices.
I don't doubt I have a few more in my future.
But it's all part of the learning process right? We do what we think will make us happy. And I'm not talking about "rob-a-bank, hit-a-stranger, cheat-on-your-significant-other-for-a-night, spend-all-your-money-on-something-stupid" happy...
I'm talking about that deep, true happy where even after you factor in the consequences of your actions, thoughts, and decisions- the happiness is still standing strong.
II- the secret lies in the present- if you pay attention to the present, you will be able to improve it. And if you improve the present, whatever happens afterwards will be better too. Each day brings us Eternity. -II
i'm re-reading The Alchemist. For the 4th time. I'm at that point again in my life where i'm not only questioning EVERYTHING and EVERYONE but i'm running in place listening to EVERYONE ELSE ask me questions that i still can't answer.
How come doing what's right isn't always what FEELS right?
Because of where i am in my life right now, with graduation and the rest of my life ahead of me blah blah blah- i've found myself deep in conversation with various people about decisions- theirs AND mine... the ones i've made, the ones ahead of me, the ones i need to make NOW.
now... do i move to singapore? move back to thailand? stay here? say yes? agree to disagree? try? give up? walk away? burn bridges?
**FYI. i am burning bridges. i've always had a thing for fire. but this time i had help lighting the match. you can thank yourself for that.
then... i could have stayed in thailand- i would be LIVIN IT UP- it would be ridiculous. i would be WORKING. i would be BORED... i could still be stuck in a completely timeconsuminglifedemeaningselfless relationship. thank god i moved.
((where you are is exactly where you are meant to be))
Turning pages...
It's not that I like making things difficult... I don't prefer doing things the hard way, but I'd rather work hard for something than have it handed to me.
There's a lot of hard work up ahead.
and i'm READY for it. ONTHEVERGE.
i wonder who will be around now?
((some people are all talk you know?))
Each person you meet will serve a purpose in your life. It may be as minute as making you smile for 5 seconds as they pass you on the street or as important as making you see something you've been blind to for years.
I don't know what role I play in your life. Nor am I always sure of what role you play in mine... but it has to be comforting to know that no moment in life is ever wasted... right?
**Smile at the person across from you on the subway, tell a stranger a secret, don't burn bridges so quickly... or maybe remember why you built the bridge to begin with.
delicious ambiguity.
II- some stories dont have a clear beginning, middle, and end. life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. delicious ambiuity -II
so there it is. Taya back in 2007. interesting huh?
wellll i've got a big update coming up but i'm flying off to london/ paris tonight for a few days of work- i'll post a big update when i get back (i'm not taking my laptop with me - highfive!) SO til then, think about it.
oh, and smile.
Hi P' Taya!
I just want to say this is my first time ever doing this. i guess i'm doing this because i'm like your biggest fan ever. once i saw the lakorn Krong Pet, that's when i kept up with everything you did. all your words are so inspiring and deep haha. well i'm looking forward to reading all your blogs now
hi taya
just wanna say hi and
i miss you
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