When i was a little watered-down asian girl who looked nothing like either of my parents (oh wait, i still am...).... i used to want to be a ballerina. In fact i insisted on wearing my ballet clothes ALL THE TIME. Then this one halloween, i finally wanted to be something a little more gutsy than a ballerina, i wanted to be SUPERGIRL. Yeah, well my bff at the time beat me to the store and got the last costume. Guess who was a ballerina again?
2 hours of trick-or-treating later and who really cared? we were so hyped up off of sugary goodness that i could barely write my name (backwards "Y"s and all). 1 decade and a half later i kinda wish i could shove myself back into that ballerina outfit- kinda wish i had stuck with dancing all these years- dancing was always my first love- sometimes you just gotta MOOOOVE in any way you can, just DANCE.
"You know what I do when I feel completely unoriginal? I make a noise or I do something that no one has ever done before. And then I can feel unique again even if it's only for like a second."
Sam (Natalie Portman), Garden State
p.s. you should see my recital tapes. we danced to "teddy bear, teddy bear" one year- oh my, my. Teddy Bear had no idea what he was in for.
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